Project Management

Investment Management and M & A

Operational Management

We manage projects in a diverse range of industrial sectors and participate in companies specialized in the distribution and sale of products in the Chinese market, as well as the production and purchase of products in a wide range of sectors, for example: -

Food and beverage industry: - We form part of a company which selects ingredients and additives for the catering industry, for which we select suppliers and manage purchasing and quality control as well as manage the homologation of manufacturers and products, so as to guarantee compliance with European Standards.

Consumer goods industry: - Product development and manufacture. Our partner has a chain of more than 150 retail outlets in Europe and produces a high percentage of its goods in Asia. G China Investment Co. Ltd is responsible for the development of new products, preparing the product catalogue and implementing the production, as well as the quality control and management of the area of industrial activity in China, right through to its distribution to warehouses in Central Europe.

Textile manufacturing and fashion industry: - Sale and distribution. G China Investment Co. Ltd participates in a project to establish a commercial network for the sale and distribution of products for high quality clothes production for the Chinese market, with the prevision of establishing a finishing plant at the end of 2010.

